News Archives for November, 2021

Why Vitamin ‘Sea’ is Good for You

Cape Town beach rentalsThere’s something soothing and nostalgic about holidays at the beach, where the sights and the sounds have remained the same for centuries. The deep blue of the ocean holds your gaze. The call of the sea gulls punctuates the ebb and flow of the waves and children’s squeals of delight add a layer of joy to this sound collage. The sun caresses your skin and the foamy waves tickle your toes as you savour the salty tang of the air. The scent of sun cream and the slightly grainy feel as you rub it onto your skin reminds you of happy childhood holidays.

All these things – the liberating feel of sand between your toes, the tangy scent of the sea air and the rhythm of the waves on the shore – conspire to fill you with peace and calm.

Best of all is that research proves that regular getaways to the beach are good for you.

6 reasons Vitamin Sea is good for you:

  1. The sight and sound of the waves rhythmically breaking on the shore affects your brain waves and induces a mildly meditative state.
  2. The scent of the sea breeze is filled with negative ions, which can boost your mood.
  3. The azure blue of the ocean is a colour that enhances creativity and calm.
  4. Natural beauty therapy: sand is a natural exfoliator, sea water gives your skin that healthy, just-walked-out-of-the-spa look, and sunlight is full of Vitamin D.
  5. Fruits of the ocean (like fresh fish, shellfish, and seaweed) are packed with nutritional goodness.
  6. Building sand castles with the kids, rubbing sun cream on your partner – all these bring us into the moment and invite us to nurture connections to ourselves and our loved ones.